Increase Recycling without Increasing Costs

Increase Recycling without Increasing Costs

Increase Recycling without Increasing Costs

Most Australians now recognise the benefits that recycling provides for our environment. As a result, many businesses are beginning to look for a more sustainable waste solution to minimise their carbon footprint and help keep our planet green. That being said, when it comes to business recycling, many owners are concerned about the cost of waste disposal and worry this will make it hard to increase their recycling efforts without increasing their business costs. But, the truth is that it actually pays to run an environmentally friendly business…

Running a business recycling programme not only helps to reduce the impact your workplace has on our environment but it also helps to save you money. In fact, an environmentally friendly company will have lower operational costs and become more efficient – all the while protecting Australia’s environment for many years to come. The reality is, that the choices we make right now will have long-term effects on our planet in the future, for good or for bad.

Green Business, Greener Pastures

1) Attitude

The first step to creating an efficient and sustainable business waste solution is to change your attitude towards waste. Rather than viewing it as rubbish, learn to see it as a commodity and a resource instead. The importance of Seregating wase at the source is vital. This ethos needs to be led from the top and be filtered down throughout departments – not only to those generating the waste but also to those involved in supply and procurement.

2) Innovation

When creating a sustainable business waste solution, it’s important to look at ‘value.’ The cost of waste disposal is often measured in dollars and money-saving exercises are made on ‘like for like’ products that often don’t take innovation or value into account. In essence, short-term savings can actually be detrimental to maintaining a creative and efficient waste solution in the long-term. We find Australian businesses that are prepared to embrace a fresh approach to recycling benefit much greater from smarter and more sustainable waste management.

3) Measurement

Have a clear objective of what your business is hoping to achieve with your recycling efforts. Creating timescales and ways to measure your success means that you and your staff have benchmarks to work towards and it helps you and your team push on to achieve meaningful results.

The ‘Easi’ way to recycle

Here at Easi Recycling, we provide waste and recycling equipment to simplify every stage of your waste management. Our aim is to maximise business recycling & efficiency but keep the costs low.

By providing us with some basic information about your waste streams, our team can give you an idea of what savings you could make with our ‘Recycling Solution.’ If we believe that we can help save you money and increase your business recycling, we’ll provide a ‘free waste survey’ with no obligation. Click here to get started.

Ready to get started?

‘Thinking outside the bin’ and embracing innovation will help your business to create the most sustainable and efficient waste and recycling solution for modern day companies. Why not give us a call today on 1800 003 274 or click here. Let us help you achieve an environmentally friendly and efficient business.

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